أخبار الاتحادمسار الحراك الطلابي

Meeting between the chairman of SSU with the Chairman of the Ukrainian students union

The Secretary-General of the Union of Syrian Students, Muhammed ElSukkeri, along with his deputy, Mohamed Batahish, held a significant meeting with Malik Banat, the chairman of the Ukrainian Student Union, officially in UK and it’s worth noting that Malik Banat is also engaged in various countries, including Ukraine 🇺🇦

During this crucial encounter, both parties engaged in mutual introductions, shedding light on the activities and objectives of the Syrian and Ukrainian student unions. They shared their democratic experiences in effectively representing students even in the face of challenging circumstances prevailing in their respective nations.

The Syrian Secretary-General unreservedly expressed his solidarity with Ukrainian students and their nation in their steadfast stance against the Russian occupation. He underscored how the core values of freedom, justice, independence, and democracy serve as unifying pillars for both unions in their resolute fight against oppression.

In response, the President of the Ukrainian Student Union wholeheartedly extended his unwavering support for the Syrian revolution and the Syrian populace as they stood against the Assad regime and Russian occupation.

Both sides mutually affirmed their dedication to nurturing their relationship further and exploring avenues of collaboration to assist Syrian and Ukrainian students. This assistance is aimed at enhancing their educational experience and overall well-being, both within Ukraine, Turkey, the United Kingdom, and even Syria itself. This commitment is underpinned by the ambition to strengthen bilateral ties between the two unions, ultimately working towards fulfilling the aspirations of the Syrian and Ukrainian people.

اتحاد طلبة سوريا

مؤسسة نقابية طلابية مستقلة غير ربحية، تمثل الطلبة السوريين حول العالم، وتهتم بقضايا الطلاب السوريين الراهنة وبمستقبلهم، وتعمل على تأهيل جيل سوري مثقف، لأجل الانتقال إلى الدولة الوطنية الحديثة. تعمل هذه النقابة على مساعدة الطلبة السوريين من خلال البرامج والمشاريع الخدمية والتمكينية، وتقوم بنشاطات وتجري حوارات، وتطلق مبادرات، وتعمل لأن تكون مظلة جامعة لكل طلبة سوريا.

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